Ultimate Guide To Bluetooth Barcode Scanner Malaysia

Ultimate Guide To Bluetooth Barcode Scanner Malaysia

If you are a business owner and looking for a new tool to add to your workplace, you can consider buying a Bluetooth barcode scanner. Even though it is mostly seen at a cashier post, it has a lot of other functions. You can use it for stock-keeping purposes, just scan the barcodes and you know the number of items you have in your inventory. 

Having one will definitely increase work efficiency at your workplace. To learn more about Bluetooth barcode scanner Malaysia, continue reading this article. 

Types of Bluetooth Barcode Scanners

bluetooth barcode scanner Malaysia
  • Laser

This is commonly used by many business owners. This type uses a simple red diode to measure the blank spaces between barcode bars. Yes – the scanner scans the blank spaces, not the black bars! It is also the cheapest type among the other scanners. However since it works in a very simple mechanism, they can only read 1D barcodes. 

  • Linear image scanner

This type of scanner functions by taking a picture instead of reading the barcodes with lasers. Linear scanners are more likely to work better than laser scanners, especially in reading damaged codes or poorly printed codes.

  • 2D area imagers

This one is the most versatile compared to the previous two as it is able to read all types of barcodes. That includes stacked barcodes, 2D and 1D barcodes. You can also save a lot of time using this scanner as you don’t have to aim it properly at the barcode before taking a reading. 

Advantages of using Bluetooth barcode scanner

  • Reducing human errors

Unlike machines, human tends to make more errors, especially in manual methods of inventory keeping and data entry. Staffs tend to miscount the items and update them in the wrong document. Mistakes do not only bound to happen, but it is very time-consuming.

Barcode scanners will reduce the chances of human errors through their accurate reading. All the staffs have to do is scan the items with the scanner and it will do all the work. Furthermore, making corrections may cost you money, so using barcode scanners can help you to save money.

  • TIme-saving

To ensure efficiency at your workplace, time management is crucial and a Bluetooth barcode scanner will help you with that. It only requires a little manpower with the scanner and all the information can be accessed from the computer it is uploaded to. 

This will save you a lot of time as the traditional recording system requires you to record everything one by one by your hand. Also, barcode scanners update information in real-time. Isn’t that cool?

  • Easy-to-use

The mechanism of Bluetooth barcode scanners is simple, even little children know how to use them. Therefore, it will only take you a few minutes to train your staff how to use the scanner. Besides that, it directly reduces the training costs because the senior staff can teach how to use the scanner to the new staff easily. 

  • Carry it everywhere

Nowadays, many business owners use wireless barcode scanners due to their portable features. If you own a supermarket business, it will be helpful for the customers to check the price of a certain item if there is no price tag on it. They only have to approach any employee with a scanner and check the price on the spot.
If you are interested to get one, click here for Bluetooth barcode scanner Malaysia.

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